Saturday, May 21, 2011

Verdict? Bedrest is to be continued until we get better news

Mindy: Unfortunately my cervix measured 2.44 today which means I will continue my stay at the hospital.  My cervix is still closed and the girls are doing fine.  We have no idea if I will get to go home before they are born.  The doctor said more will be determined at the end of next week.  It was not fun news to hear but it will  be fine,  I gave Tony a list of things to bring from home so my room becomes more like home.  If you get bored feel free to stop by and keep me company at Mercy in room 3110.

Tony: Make sure you knock, Mindy gets really comfortable and sometimes is in a very natural state.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwwwwwwww! Hang in there, girl!

    Are you allowed to get up at all, or still completely confined to your bed...???

    When's your due date? (I know... multiples don't tend to come anywhere near that day, just wondering!)

    I know you're going through a heck of a lot of frustrations right now, but this time next year all will be (nearly) forgotten as you cuddle your little ones!!! Keep your eye on the prizes! You can do it!!! :)

    Keep blogging! I love to read you guys' updates!!!

    -Me :)
