Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mindy's Home (baby's still inside) and I'm moving out...sort of...

I'm home today!  

My cervical length was 1cm, the same as last week, so I was allowed to get discharged from Mercy! Kinz put up some welcome home balloons and Tony put up signs that were not so cute...

Well, it was wishful thinking...
...do you take Mindy, for better or worse...I did say yes happily...

I did have a positive FFN test which is a predictor of preterm labor, but it's kind of a given that I'm going to deliver preterm.  The doctor said that positives don't mean much (it's considered an inconclusive result) and the cerclage placement could make it a false positive.The doctor felt comfortable with me going home on strict bed rest.  I will be going into the doctor for weekly checks and was sent home with a list of signs and symptoms to watch for.  My family converted our bedroom into my new home.  That way I can still shower, watch TV, sleep in our bed, and have access to food thanks to my mom's mini fridge.

This is what it feels like to be back in my own bed!
Our short term goal is still 28 weeks but I'm predicting I make it to week 33.  Thanks for all your continued support and prayers.  If you ever want to bring me lunch or breakfast in bed let us know.  We will need the extra help now that I wont' have room service and nurses. (Mickenzie said I wasn't allowed to get a bell to ring).

Tony can't hear this particular ring tone either...
Moving Out

Mindy's moved to our Master Bedroom so I've moved out to the boy's room until the kids get here when I move to the YMCA. The family that had the house before us wallpapered one of the rooms in baseball stuff so I'm living on a futon mattress in there. It allows me to have a place to go when Mindy has the Desperate Housewives marathon going or she can't can't get the E Channel to change to something else...

I've spruced up the place with a little purple...for the girls, of course...

Half Shirts and the 80's...
Back in the 80's you wore half shirts to show off your abs
That is a large shirt. My large shirt now turned into an 80's ab demonstration.
I will come into Mindy's room and sometimes her belly looks small and sometimes it looks big, it wasn't until she was on the ultrasound table and I could get a proper side view that I got a real understanding of how big her belly was.

That's Baby C pushing out on the left like a person puffing their cheeks out...I named this structure Mount Mindy...noun noun, not to be confused with verb, proper noun...you'll get it in a second...it'll be funny.


  1. Yeah! I'm sure it's easier to set your sights on 33 weeks from home rather than a hospital bed. -Erin L.

  2. So happy u got to go home! Our thoughts are with you. - Lyndsey Rogan (McGrath)

  3. Best post ever! Congrats! It has to feel SO good to be out of that hospital! ~Andrea S
