Saturday, April 2, 2011

Food, Farts and Funny Questions

So Mindy can eat again and that's exciting, while I'm training for Dam to Dam...just like a wrestler going to a buffet that he pays $19.95 for and has a water and a leaf of lettuce. We've been so good about keeping bad food out of the house while she was nauseous, now I'm accosted by peanut M&M's, Ice Cream, Sherbert, Brats, Potatoes, Asparagus, and oh, how about some one meal? They're wheat biscuits so that's a a healthy 20 grams of fat...

Mindy has pregnant brain telling me that I spelled biscuit wrong, there's a k in there...will our little boy (if we have one) be another Dan "Potatoe" Quayle? 

She's claiming that she's eating for the babies...eating every 2 hours as she gets hungry again...when she's got three kids and two breasts I guarantee that she won't be encouraging the kiddos to eat every two hours because it's healthier...

Different people and age groups have different reactions to our news and her very cool 7th grade youth group had some awesome questions for her: I thought it would be cool to answer the rhetorical questions...

*** [Since you are having three] can I keep one? We'll let the kids know that at any time a 7th grader could take them away if they don't behave and see how that goes...
*** Can we come to your baby shower? Of course, we've got lots of babies and need lots of presents!
*** Can we come visit you in the hospital? Of course, you can see the kids in order of how much we liked your present!
*** When are you going to get fat? I call that a complisult (an insulting compliment, kind of like saying, oh, look, you're not fat anymore...) By saying when are you going to get fat they are acknowledging that she is not fat now...compliment!...but will expand to ... well, I'm no dummy here, honey, just more of you to love!!!

*** Can you wear a tighter shirt next week so we can see your belly? Tighter shirts are for the more mature husband (wink, wink) to enjoy the pregnancy, don't you worry, there's going to be a point in August when she'll think 80's half shirt should make a comeback...and the poor husband may see that going on around the house...

*** Are you going to be teaching us next year?  Mindy said that she was sad because she thought she might not be back, but seriously, Mindy, would you like to spend some time away from your 3 kids one evening a week so you can instill your wisdom into a group of 8th graders who love you so much...your husband would be the best ever if he would just watch them for that little's good too, because tweens and teenagers know everything and we're going to have lots of questions...

To show my appreciation to the pharmacists I work with for what they have in store for them Tony and I are taking them to dinner, well, Mindy's paying for dinner while Tony, Greg and Teresa enjoy some final four action at our new bar Sports Page straight from Indianola...again, to the 8th graders, Daddy and Mommy, individually, and maybe even together, will need a little time I'm sure it will all work out...a lot.

Mindy says Greg and Teresa are rock stars, and they have been, now, Mindy's been a little gassy which is fine here on the home front where she can go "excuse herself" to another room or ask when only she and I are on the couch, "do you smell something?" Well, I'm just letting you know that that little box of a pharmacy is going to need a glade plug in or two. She is adamant they don't smell...please see the k in bisket up top... Mindy did mention that, on a rare occasion, I have ripped one, let's just say that I no longer sleep with my back to her front. I laughed so hard after that monster that it solidified us as a couple that is very "comfortable" with each other...

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Your stories crack me up!!! Keep 'em coming! I LOVE catching up on you and the triplets!!!

    Hey! I was teaching a Personal Finance / Econ class last week: Did you know there's a 1:709,000 chance of conceiving triplets?!?! Way to be overachievers, guys!!! :)

    Thinking of you!!! SO excited!!! YAY!!! :)
