Saturday, April 9, 2011

14 weeks - Big Belly, Pound for Pound Math and Multiples Classes

Bam! Big Belly!

Our babies have grown from lentils to figs to shrimp to lemons. In a singleton pregnancy that is not too noticeable, but with three lemons, I seem to be getting much bigger! To help contrast the 13.5 weeks I put a pic of my 9.5 weeks image...

13.5 weeks

13.5 weeks

Activities of Daily Living - Ugh!

I have more energy and feel that I can enjoy time between work and sleep now with Tony, but as soon as I do something, I get really tired really quickly. It's like every time I try something, I'm walking up a hill.

I tried to clean last weekend and I learned that I don't have that kind of energy, so I asked my wonderful mother to come this weekend and she vacuumed the house for us.

I still have days where the pressure is pretty intense and I try to sit as much as I can at work and that helps a lot.  One of the maintenance men told me he was making me a stool with a motor so I could move throughout the whole pharmacy without standing. (This sounds a lot like the mailman or milkman!...Tony)  I keep waiting for the stool to magically appear.

Pound for Pound Math 

I gained 4 pounds last week! Time for Tony and his math...

I'm supposed to gain 60 pounds total, I'm up to 13 pounds of total weight gain and have a goal to get to week 35.

Week 35 - Week 14 = 21 Weeks to go.

60 Pounds - 13 Pounds = 47 Pounds to go.

47 pounds to go/21 Weeks to go = 2.23 pounds per week I need to gain.

Birthing Classes!

We started our classes at the hospital.  We don't have to take the birthing classes because I'm C section bound, so we are taking the Multiple Blessings class at Mercy Hospital.

We'd give you the link but our first class was not very exciting, all lecture and Powerpoints that could have been posted or we could have read ourselves. The instructor seems nice, and had some personal stories about her experiences, but I guess our expectation was to interact with other couples. It was 105 minutes of face front lecture.

The next class starts with a movie and tour, but just FYI, the movie is before the class extending it even further, so it goes from 2 hours to 2:15 or 2:30 depending on the day, so make sure you plan for all of that time.

There's one couple in there from Ames so that's a 4 hour commitment for them with commute!

There were 9 couples with twins and another couple expecting triplets 5 weeks before us.

We hope to talk to them more the next few classes to see if they have any insightful information.

Sorry about the downer ending, it's just as we get closer to term, we really value time more...any thoughts you guys have on classes and such would be awesome!

Mindy and Tony

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