Monday, October 10, 2011

2 days old!

The girls are two days old today based on their due date.  Preemies have two ages until they are caught up developmentally... the day they were born and their corrected age. All of their developmental milestones will be based on their corrected age. At 2 years old they should catch up.

Rianne and Teagan are doing well at home.  Teagan is the fussy one and likes to eat more frequently.  Ri is a pretty calm baby and only cries when she needs to burp or poop.  They are both gaining weight and have their next weight check Monday.

No, these are not Siamese babies, rather, they are two babies that started on opposite ends of the blanket and through trying to push a poop out, ending up butting pun intended, didn't mean anyone to be the butt of a joke...

It's kind of like getting stuck in the wrong check-out lane, they just don't know how to back up...


Brielle just found out the feeds will be upped to 170 mL per 12 hours!

Oops, she thought it was Black Thursday where everyone needs to haul butt and go shopping at 4 in the  morning!

I'm not lying, I had a poop this big!

We're practicing backstroke without the pool yet...

She can't crawl but she can whistle...
Brielle is still in the NICU.  We don't have any estimated dates of when she will get to come home yet.  She is eating better now so we are hoping that she can come home soon.

This is the view from Tony's new bed

Exhausted Preemies after "Binkie Wars"
Helping Teagan do the "Bicicyle" to push some gas out. I would point her the other way...
Someone said I look like Rianne, I see no resemblance. 

1 comment:

  1. I think about you guys every day! And I am so glad everyone seems to be progressing and hanging in there. I hopefully can come home soon to see you and help out any way I can. Love you all so so so much :) Love, ANNA
