Saturday, November 17, 2018

Just a Quick Night Out with the Triplets

This is how we get ready for a CrossFit workout!

I think my jaw's stuck.

Dinner and a Movie

Oooh, it's spicy!

It's Au Juis? Au Jus? 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Protein and Candy

Rianne, why don't you just eat one at a time?  
I get a little biceps workout this way. 

How do you get a biceps workout with a nugget? 

I think it's going to take a while to figure that one out. 

It's all chocolate, I really want some chewy stuff. 

I got Doritos. I still want chewy stuff.  
More biceps workout. 

Actually, if you keep the bag at one level, you're technically doing zero work. 

That's physics. 

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Brielle's Growth Hormone Journey Update

We have recently changed providers and are going to the University of Iowa Pediatric Endocrinology department. And it is AMAZING. I mean the doctor herself called me with Brielle’s test results! Our visits there make for a long day but they are worth it.  Here is the latest.

Brielle 2018 Standing (Sitting) Tall!
Brielle is growing.. taller that is. She is ACTUALLY on a “normal” growth chart! Let’s just say the doctor and I were so excited the whole room got high fives. Her latest tests estimate that she should reach 5 feet tall at a minimum!

October 1st 2018
  • Height: 3’9.2” (7th percentile)
  • Weight: 38 lb 5.8 oz  (a generous 1st percentile)

Brielle in 2018, catching up to her sister. They both started at 1 pound 8 ounces, so it's been a journey!

April 23rd 2018
  • Height: 3’7.9”
  • Weight: 38 lb 2.2oz

Brielle in 2017 before school started

The growth hormones will continue until after puberty or would stop early if for some reason she fails to grow taller. Next on our list, find an insurance company that will help cover the cost of her medication. I am so over Zomactin. It is a great financial savings (still costly) for us but the mixing (I may have done it wrong once) and syringes and longer needles and larger pokes.  We really don’t want to do that for another 8ish years.

Brielle in 2018 holding her own in 8U soccer 
Brielle in 2017, same "I got this" look 

Now her weight. Brielle is a picky eater who takes bites smaller than a mouse. She has recently said it hurts to swallow so she doesn’t always eat. 

When a food doesn't meet Brielle's (and her American Girl Doll's) approval
So back to the GI doctor we went. She is on omeprazole for the next few months and MiraLAXfor constipation. (Yes I now have to ask her daily if her poop is like a snake or rabbit turds).  We are hoping that combination can help her eat better and actually gain weight. If not, another scope may be in order. (Mind you she has already had 2).  It is definitely a bit scary to see failure to thrive as a diagnosis she still carries.  Brielle is a very active and bright kid so I have no doubts she will continue to flourish in life, we just want her to not be a skeleton.

Still the brains and boss of the family (and she knows it!) 

Happy Halloween

Brielle: Okay, we're going to start on this side of the street then we'll cross, with daddy standing in the road, then come back again to this side of the street, then we'll make sure to get all the candies.  

Brielle: (after waiting 1 second) Rianne no one's coming to the door, but the candy is right there, should I open the door and go in, I mean it's right there. Teagan: I'm the Ninja, I can do it and no one will see me. 

After waiting 2 seconds. Seriously, I think I should go in there because there's no one coming to the door, I think we should go in. Teagan, make sure you get at least three candies so each of us can have one. 

At three seconds. What took her so long? We waited for like hours. 

Do you have a joke? Brielle: What's an astronaut's favorite candy? Mars bar! 

So focused on getting to the next house, they don't notice the two dinosaurs right next to them. Some parents are more involved in Halloween than we were. Seeya next week!