Thursday, February 26, 2015

Just a link this week

I'm taking a brush-up class in HTML/CSS and had to make one of those cheesy projects that is about your favorite vacation. I imagined the girls coming to Maryland to see Annapolis Harbor, the Baltimore Aquarium, and the Washington DC Zoo.

Next week I'll put up a more normal blog. Well, as normal as things get for us.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Daddy Daughter Dance Prequel

 This is a series of pics I put together for a class project. I connected these pictures in an SQL database and pulled them by usinig PHP to write XML in Tiltviewer and JuiceBox but the server is protected, so I had to just pull the pics out. This is more of a Daddy Daughters Dance Prequel.

We're going to the Daddy Daughter Dance tonight!

4 tickets to the dance!

Takedown, two points, three back.

Brielle wears glasses for the first time. I just went to the optometrist and she said I need "readers." Getting old(er). Sigh.

Maybe I can get glasses too if I keep staring at my iPad!?

Let me help you with your shoes Cinderella!
Can't take a lady dancing on an empty stomach!

Making one last thing!
Let's get this party started!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Daddy Daughter Dance Part I

Daddy, Daughter, Daughter, Daughter - Dance ... and Mindy

Brielle's off camera ... didn't want to get in the picture.
A couple of videos from the dance, these are hilarious.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Snow and babies

I will bend this spoon with my mind.

Hmm. I look pretty cute. Drake class of 2034. Well, unless I'm like Dad and get a bunch of degrees, then it's Drake class of 2034, 2037, 2042, . . .
The perfect cheese and cracker combination requires . . .

. . . that the cracker be covered 70% by a double layer of cheese . . .

ooooh . . . so delicious. . .

Watch out meatball, you're next!

Rianne's holding a baby. Teagan's holding a toy gun. I really don't feel good about this.

I'll protect you baby!

Yes, Teagan, if you go to Annapolis and graduate you get to tell everyone in the Na-by what to do.

Ahh, this baby's as big as me!

Teagan, you've got to get your own snow. Then we put it in the oven and bake it.


Snow dough!

Awww . . . our snow melted, we have to get some more.